I’m not going to talk to you about making “healthy” treats for Halloween because let’s face it, I love chocolate! Here is how I personally avoid stuffing myself with all the loot that my kids bring home.
- I only give out candy that I do NOT like. This keeps me from eating it all before the actual day (which I have done in the past and had to make a last minute Target run to re-fill the bowl!) and keeps me from eating anything that might be leftover.
- I let myself pick out 2-3 items from my kids’ loot and I inhale enjoy it. The M&Ms get me every time, so I just give in to their calls and eat a bag or two. Life without a few M&Ms is just too sad for me!
- I go through my kids bags (while they are at school) and give away 2/3 of it. They don’t even notice and none of us need that candy lingering around.
- I go back to my philosophy of “is this really worth it”? If it doesn’t taste AWESOME (which most of that candy does NOT), then why am I eating it?
These have been effective for me the past few years. I used to GORGE myself on Halloween because it was just one day and then I would beat myself up for days afterwards. Totally not worth it. Eat a little candy and then move on.
Have any tips that work for you?